Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Who Watches the Watchers?

It happens twice a month. On the first and the fifteenth of every month, the impossible becomes real. I know, you think I'm talking about the articles in Bloid News, but I'm not. Well, I'm not talking about the articles. I AM talking about something else that appears in Bloid News, though.

You see, Rick changes the passwords to the website and our in-house systems every day in what has become a vain attempt to keep anyone from accessing our files or damaging our reputation. The only problem is that this system manages to keep out everyone from my eight-year-old granddaughter to NSA super hackers, but it has yet to keep a particular group from posting their own information on our website.

Who is this group that tears through an encryption system designed to keep intelligence agencies around the world at bay? Why are they so determined to use us to get their message out? What do their messages really mean? Most important, who the heck are they?

They're known simply as the Watchers. That's all we know. Well, we also know that they have managed to incorporate their messages into every issue of Bloid News since Rick started it. And we know that every time they access our systems and do so, Rick nearly has a melt down. Oh, and I just found this out myself - Rick is on a mission to get information about them and shut them down. The bad news? He's using me and Nathan Phoenix to do it.

Yep. You heard me. Nathan and I have been pulled off of every other assignment and project and have been ordered to dedicate our entire existence to digging up information on a group that we can't really prove exists. Nathan got the first nibble yesterday when he found a tenuous thread connecting a super secret sect of the Masons to a group called the Watchers. While he continued to dig through public records, I ran off to chase this lead.

I spoke to a couple of Masons that I know, and neither admitted knowing anything about a group called the Watchers. I believed them. I did. I've known the men for years and they've never had a reason to lie to me. Well, I guess they didn't before I asked them about something they weren't about to share with me. I figured out that my friends had lied to me when I got this letter this morning:

Mr. Evans,

It is my responsibility to inform you to take care in what you seek. Some questions should never be answered. Rest assured that you will never find the complete truth for we are everywhere and nowhere. We see every minute brush stroke in life and the picture as a whole. We see you when you wake in the morning and we watch as you go about your day. We observe your sleep and even know your dreams. You have seen some of us but have never seen us at all. We are the Watchers and we observe everything without directly interfering.

At the bottom of the letter, I found only this symbol.

If you will excuse me, Nathan and I are about to stick our noses where I'd rather we didn't.

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